Viewing posts for the category Business of Writing
It’s happening!
After six (eek!) years I'm releasing Reunion, the third book in The Emergence series (formerly titled The End of the Iron Age). This book wraps up the arcs for Amadeus, Lilly, and Grassal.
I’m pretty proud of this book, and I wish it could’ve come out sooner, but sometimes life happens and books take longer than you ever expect.
Anyway, Reunion will be available on Amazon on Dec 3, 2019. Here's a peek at the cover and synopsis.
For now, it's only available on Kindle. I hope to have a print version out in the next couple months.
I've had a few queries on the status of Book 2: Redemption. Here's what's happening right now:
Holy mother of God! I ran a 3-day KDP giveaway this weekend. I expected to give away a few hundred copies of Reaction. Instead, Reaction fought its way to the top of the Kindle free charts for both sci-fi adventure and satire.
About a month ago, I quietly released 5 Short Tales of Strange New Beginnings. My budget for this project was <$200. Decent book cover design usually runs about $300-500. God knows what $200 would buy.
Posted a new photo:
2 years, 2 months ago
5 of 5 stars to A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine
3 years, 3 months ago
5 of 5 stars to Home by Nnedi Okorafor
4 years, 8 months ago